Brilliant Friends


The money we generate dictates the way we live and enjoy ourselves. However, when it is not well understood how it works and when other actors (traditional banking, cof, cof) take advantage of the situation, people can stop enjoying their money and start feeling overwhelmed or even dumb.

That’s why albo was born, the debit card linked to an app that helps you understand every move you make, resulting in greater control of your finances, and therefore, making your money more yours.


Yes, we know, talking about money can be a complicated (and sometimes even uncomfortable) topic, especially when it comes to the money-related mistakes we make every day. That’s why we decided to break the ice by giving away a bit of catharsis, portraying in an absurd way, situations in which we have all fallen into at some time or another for not having enough information regarding our money.

“Brilliant Friends” is the series of commercials for digital touch points designed to communicate the brand’s RTBs, making it clear once and for all that with albo there is no small print, no hidden charges, no complex clarifications, since the only thing there is is total transparency.

Our “Brilliant Friends” became the main tool to make people aware of the possible mistakes they were currently making with their cards, while providing them with the solution in the form of an albo, in order to improve the relationship with your money.
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