Although many people identify Pride month as a time of celebration and celebration, the reality could not be more different. Taking to the streets and making the community visible is a tool that has always promoted social change and set in motion improvements in public policies concerning the community.
So when the pandemic forced the entire world to cease mass activities, an initiative to digitize that effort was launched so as not to stop the inertia that for more than 42 years has kept the flame of the community alive in the streets.
Since taking to the streets was not an option, we developed a transmedia action that moved the March to a 100% digital environment composed of different activities and content. On the one hand the main action invited people to march through their Instagram stories, which were gathered in a large continuous March on the Pride March profile in a continuous stream of User Generated Content; and on the other hand, we launched a historic broadcast in conjunction with Canal Once and Youtube where for 10 continuous hours educational, informative and entertaining catacrter content was broadcast, making this the longest 100% LGBTTTIQAP+ live content broadcast in the history of Mexican television.
As a result, the March was decentralized for the first time in its 42 years of existence, a fact that undoubtedly contributed to the fact that people from all over the Republic could not only take part as spectators, but also actively participate from their own mobile devices. In addition, the spirit of struggle and visibility that has always pursued the uprising was recovered. The noise was such that the government of Mexico City also turned its attention to the movement, causing the establishment of an internal committee that sought to allow trans children over 12 to change their name to the gender with which they identify.
(341.52%+ vs. 2019)
(553%+ vs. 2019)
engagement rate
(+260% than the average
of the category: 1.11%)
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